Daylite 5.0.2 fixes a couple crashes. You’ll be notified shortly in the app or you can use Daylite > Check for Updates…
Daylite Mail Assistant 4.3.8 is available from Marketcircle’s website and is compatible with OS X 10.9.3, which was released yesterday.
Daylite 5.0.1 is now available, less than three weeks after the release of Daylite 5, squashing a number of bugs and adding some enhancements.
Daylite 5 for iOS added back a feature that had been in Daylite 3, but was removed in Daylite 4: the ability to add a new contact or objective when adding a link to an object. But the “New object” button isn’t always available.
Daylite 5.0.1 is now in the App Store and features a few bug fixes. Nice turnaround time on this one!
If it’s happened once, it’s probably happened to someone else: a client new to Daylite recently selected all the contacts in a smart list and pressed Delete, intending to just get rid of the smart list.
Besides releasing a new version of Daylite, Marketcircle has released a new version of its website. The updated design brings together what previously felt like the work of several disparate designers, giving a cohesive experience across the site, and also makes the support section more easily navigable.
Marketcircle announced today that version 5 of its customer care and business productivity app is available for download on its website and on the iOS App Store.
I’ll be at Macworld/iWorld 2014 next week wand would love to meet up with you!
A pretty minor update to Billings Pro is now available from Marketcircle.