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Daylite and Keyboard Maestro

Daylite and Keyboard Maestro

Update: Yes, Keyboard Maestro 6 is out with an updated (and admittedly nicer) icon. However, the image above is much cooler than it would be with the new icon.

Keyboard Maestro allows you trigger a sequence of actions with just a keystroke. Use these macros to make yourself more productive with Daylite.1 Macros marked global should be available in all applications, while those marked daylite should be made available only in Daylite.

New Object

[daylite] Although Daylite has shortcuts to create a new Person, Opportunity, Task, Appointment and Note (and you can add shortcuts for other major objects by using the OS X Keyboard preference pane), remembering them is a chore. Wouldn’t it be some much simpler if you could just use ⌘N to create a new Company, etc., if that’s the section you’re in? Now you can:

New Object Macro

Note from Selected Text

[global] Select some text and press a key–Daylite will activate and create a new Note with the selected text. Download

Start Outgoing Call

[global] Two macros to switch to Daylite and create a new outgoing call Task, either linked to the selected object or allowing you to select one. (You can, of course, just change the type to “Incoming Call” if you like.) Download

Installing Downloaded Keyboard Maestro Macros

Just unzip the archive and double-click the .kmmacros file to cause Keyboard Maestro to import the macro(s) and make it immediately available.

  1. These macros require Daylite 4 and Keyboard Maestro 5+. 
