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Repeating tasks are a great new feature in Daylite 5; they’re a great way to make sure you are taking action on a consistent schedule, an important consideration when trying to design systems. Every once in a while you might find it’s not necessary to complete a task—do you just delete the task?

Daylite 5 for iOS added back a feature that had been in Daylite 3, but was removed in Daylite 4: the ability to add a new contact or objective when adding a link to an object. But the “New object” button isn’t always available.

If it’s happened once, it’s probably happened to someone else: a client new to Daylite recently selected all the contacts in a smart list and pressed Delete, intending to just get rid of the smart list.

Yesterday I was setting up a client with Daylite and she couldn’t accept—using DMA—the invitation I sent to her. When DMA sees an invite, it should show Decline and Accept buttons.