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An Overview of MailChimp

Keeping your clients and prospects up-to-date with what’s going on with your business often involves sending mass email to reach your contacts all in one shot. For various reasons, managing the mailing in your email client isn’t advisable (bounce management and ISP or web host restrictions are two that come to mind); you, like many other businesses, will probably turn to an email service provider like MailChimp to handle your email marketing.

My earlier article, An Overview of Direct Mail 3, introduced e3 Software’s application for creating, managing and delivering email messages to your clients. Although suitable for any business using Macintoshes, it’s especially useful for those that are also using Daylite to care for their clients.

An Overview of Direct Mail 3

Daylite 4 is designed for one-on-one email communications with your clients, but there are plenty of times you’ll want to send out mass mailings to keep your entire client base—or select portions of it—apprised of what you’re doing. For example, you may want to send out a regular newsletter or a brief product or service announcement. Although you can do this within Daylite, there are some limitations which will make using another piece of software much more desirable.