Why Upgrade to Daylite 5?
Posted by Don Morris on 06.17.2014
I’m regularly asked “Should I upgrade to Daylite 5?” and my answer boils down to “It depends.” Here are some reasons for making the jump:
- You want to use Daylite on iOS 8. Daylite 4 will not be compatible with iOS 8.
- You’re running Daylite 3 and want to use Daylite on Mavericks or Yosemite or on iOS 7 or 8. Daylite 3 is not supported on Mavericks or Yosemite, nor is it compatible with iOS versions after 6.
- You’re using Daylite 4 on iOS 7 and really hate the pre-iOS 7 look.
- You want repeating tasks.
Why not list all the new features in Daylite 5? I’m not convinced that any single feature other than repeating tasks is compelling enough to cause someone to upgrade; however, in toto perhaps they are.
By the way, upgrade licenses are available through DM Insights, both from Daylite 4 and from Daylite 3.