Daylite 4.2 Released
Posted by Don Morris on 04.03.2013

Daylite 4.2 has been released; it includes a feature from Daylite 3—duplicate checking—that was left out of Daylite 4 until now and there are some other minor features and behaviors (among others) that I find helpful:
- A new sync indicator in the main window, which appears when syncing is occurring or if there’s a problem.
- New menu item “Print Selection…”, also available in the contextual menus allows you to print only what you have selected, even if you’re selecting a token, an item in the activity view, or elsewhere.
- Adding a new appointment in progress view now brings it up into edit mode automatically.
- Added the ability to set project status and opportunity state through contextual menu items.
- Added the ability to add text links and text tables while editing notes (via the Format submenu).
- Emails that are removed from Daylite are remembered so they are not added back automatically again when auto linking is enabled in DMA.
In addition, a bajillion bug fixes are included in the update. The update is available now from Marketcircle and soon from the Mac App Store. This update requires a database schema change if you’re updating from a version prior to 4.1.